Bernard is tired of his work at the ice rink, until he surprises a bronze statue coming out of the shower. They discover a dream they share: to go to the sea. Bernard has been working at the municipal ice rink forever, getting progressively more bored, and most of all, colder and colder. One evening, before getting on his way home, he surprises a bronze athlete sculpture coming out of the shower. At the occasion of a dish of noodles favorable to all kinds of confidences, they discover a dream they share: to go to the sea.
Bernard is tired of his work at the ice rink, until he surprises a bronze statue coming out of the shower. They discover a dream they share: to go to the sea.
Bernard has been working at the municipal ice rink forever, getting progressively more bored, and most of all, colder and colder. One evening, before getting on his way home, he surprises a bronze athlete sculpture coming out of the shower. At the occasion of a dish of noodles favorable to all kinds of confidences, they discover a dream they share: to go to the sea.
Thierry Onillon
Jean-Henri Compère
Brigitte Mariaulle
Olivier Bonjour
Emmanuel Plovier
Olivier Chantraine