Adem' tells the story of Tom and Lucas, two brothers who suffer from a genetic disease that slowly demolishes their lungs. Adem' tells the story of Tom (Stef Aerts) and Lucas (Maarten Mertens), two brothers who suffer from a genetic disease that slowly demolishes their lungs. Tom struggles with his short life expectancy but in the hospital he meets Xavier (Wouter Hendrickx), a guy who suffers from the same disease but who behaves like a thoroughbred athlete. His zest for life radiates to Tom. He falls for the headstrong Eline (Anemone Valcke) who has been in a quarantine room for months. They can't touch each other but still they start a romance...
1h 40min
tous publics CSA
Adem' tells the story of Tom and Lucas, two brothers who suffer from a genetic disease that slowly demolishes their lungs.
Adem' tells the story of Tom (Stef Aerts) and Lucas (Maarten Mertens), two brothers who suffer from a genetic disease that slowly demolishes their lungs. Tom struggles with his short life expectancy but in the hospital he meets Xavier (Wouter Hendrickx), a guy who suffers from the same disease but who behaves like a thoroughbred athlete. His zest for life radiates to Tom. He falls for the headstrong Eline (Anemone Valcke) who has been in a quarantine room for months. They can't touch each other but still they start a romance...